I cannot begin to describe how much I love to watch animated movies. Growing up, it was all about Disney. Cinderella, Peter Pan, Toy Story, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and so many more were among my favorites. These films are clean and totally family oriented. Just this week I was able to watch Toy Story 3 (of which I watched half of it with my dad). I have to say that was one of the best movies I have seen in awhile. I felt some sort of "connection" if you would call it that, to Andy, seeing as I graduate this past year and all. Going off to college, it really isn't all that scary but it is definitely different than high school. With college, you are held more responsible for you actions and you even mature a little as time goes by. So yeah, I can relate to Andy. I remember when it was time to donate my toys and pack up the beanie babies and barbie dolls; even packing up the beloved 'blankie' was hard. But we all have to grow up at sometime. As Toy Story 3 came to an end, I found myself almost sad and happy at the same time. As Woody raised his hand to say, "so long partner"; part of Andy's life was ending, while another part was just beginning. So yes, when I graduated part of my life ended, while a brand new part is just beginning. I am so looking forward to what is going to happen in my life and this new journey that I have just begun.
.stay tuned for more.
.elyssa_lea -signing out for now.