Monday, April 11, 2011

Eye Opening.

Imagine, being 17 years old and faced with decision: Should I choose abortion or adoption? Some would say, "Choose abortion, it solves the problem quickly and one has to know." Others would say, "Well, keep the baby." And then others would say, "Put the baby up for adoption." Tonight, I had a girl share her story with me. A faithless relationship, not on her part, ended up in an undesired pregnancy. It wasn't that the baby would have been un-welcomed, it wasn't financially sound. This girl had made up her mind that she was going to get an abortion, but she knew something didn't feel right, so she scratched those plans and chose adoption. Keep in mind she did this all between the age of 17 and 18. She got in touch with an adoption agency and they found a husband an wife, who could not have children. The wife was with this girl every step of the way. When it was time for the baby to be born, the wife was with this girl, crying and rooting her on. This girl chose life instead of death. While this girl told me her story, my heart went out to her, but not only every single girl that is facing a situation like hers. Never in a million years could I imagine having to face the decision of giving the child I carried for nine months to another person. This girl, to me is a hero. Instead of fulfilling her own selfish desire to rid herself of the unwanted presence, she choose life. She has peace, because she knows that she choose the right decision. She choose life for the family that received their precious bundle of joy. This girl is my hero.

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